What Is Adrenarche and How Can I Support My Child Nutritionally?

What Is Adrenarche and How Can I Support My Child Nutritionally?

Has anyone else noticed a change in mood or behaviour of their 7 and 8 year olds? In our house we certainly have, with more tears, getting upset or angrier quicker and more extreme mood swings. It could certainly be down to a new school year – years 3 and 4 definitely denotes a step change in expectations and learning outcomes. But it could also be down to a much less know stage of hormonal development called adrenarche…

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5 ways to Keep Children Healthy This Winter

5 ways to Keep Children Healthy This Winter

It is officially the season of colds and flu!  Most parents with children young and old are having to deal with sniffles, runny noses, or worst still, days off nursery or school due to flu or other immune related illness. So what can you do to help your children through the winter months, helping to build their immune systems and making them less venerable to winter bugs now and for the future?...

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